ANR Tianjin – Project team

Centre for modern and contemporary Chinese studies CECMC (CCJ UMR 8173, EHESS/CNRS/University of Paris Diderot)

CCJ website

CECMC website

Carnets du Centre Chine / Digital research notebook of the Center

Isabelle Thireau

Principal Investigator. Isabelle Thireau is a sociologist, specialist of the Chinese society in the 20th and 21st centuries. She is director of studies at EHESS, director of research at CNRS, attached to the Centre of Studies on modern and contemporary China (CECMC). Her publications include Enquête sociologique sur la Chine contemporaine, 1911-1949 (with Hua Linshan, PUF, 1996); Disputes au village chinois. Formes du juste et recompositions locales des espaces normatifs (with Wang Hansheng, MSH Editions, 2001); Les Ruses de la démocratie. Protester en Chine contemporaine (with Hua Linshan, Seuil, 2010); De proche en proche. Ethnographie des formes d’association en Chine contemporaine (with Peter Lang, 2013). Visit her personal page here.

Aurélia Desplain

Post-doctoral fellow in social anthropology, in charge of the digital humanities component of the project. She creates the digital media collections from data collected by Isabelle Thireau, makes the georeferening of the sources and develops the online platform. Visit her personal page here.

Liu Lidan

Architect and urban planner, doctoral student at the University of Paris 1, UMR 8586 PRODIG. Research centre for the organization and dissemination of geographic information. Collaboration in the creation of a database on the content of the radio programme “About the Tianjin Garrison” or “Hua shuo Tianjin wei 话说天津卫”. Visit her personal page here.

He Bochuan

Philosopher and economist, Zhongshan University (Canton). He has published two articles in French: “L’essor des marchés dans les villages de la rivière des Perles”, Études rurales, 2002. No. 161-162; “La crise agraire en Chine”, Études rurales, 2007, No. 179.

Hua Linshan

Historian, specialist of the Cultural Revolution, he published Les Années rouges (Seuil, 1987) and co-published with Isabelle Thireau Enquête sociologique sur la Chine contemporaine, 1911-1949 (PUF, 1996); Les Ruses de la démocratie. Protester en Chine contemporaine (Seuil, 2010). Visit his personal page here.

Wang Di

Sociologist, Assistant Professor at Beijing University. After defending a thesis at EHESS in 2013, entitled Standards and Practices of Local Authorities in Urban China. Sociology of a residents’ committee in Beijing, he published in French “Pratiques et normes de fonctionnement des Comités de résidents: conséquences et limites d’une gestion par les chiffres”, Perspectives Chinoises, 2013, no.1. Visit his personal page here.

Wang Ju

Historian and documentalist, specialist in the economic history of China after 1911. She published among others Jindai Shanghai mianfangye of zuihou huihuang, 1945 -1949 近代上海棉纺业的最后辉煌1945-1949 (End of prosperity of the Shanghai cotton industry in modern times, 1945 – 1949). Shanghai: Shanghai shehui kexueyuan chubanshe, 2004; In collaboration with the Shanghai History Museum, Zhongguo de zujie 中国的租界 (Foreign concessions in China). Shanghai: Shanghai guji shudian, 2004. Visit her personal page here.

Plateforme Géomatique de l’EHESS

Plateforme géomatique de l’EHESS website

Eric Mermet

Research engineer at the Centre for social analysis and mathematics (UMR 8557) and at the Institute of Complex Systems (ISC-PIF, UMS 361), Eric Mermet is responsible for the implementation of the EHESS geomatics platform, and organizes courses on the use of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) as well as sensitive mapping workshops on the representation of spatial perception. Visit his personal page here.

TIANJIN (Tianjin University and Nankai University)

In Tianjin, a collective was formed to collaborate in this project, composed of researchers from Tianjin University and Nankai University (two historians, an anthropologist and a geographer); an architect specialized in the city of Tianjin, and three members of the “Volunteer Team for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage in Tianjin”.


Work carried out in collaboration with Pascal Barbedor (BL SET) and Michel Goulas (Malte-Brun). BL SET is a company specialized in statistical modeling, measurement tools, data analysis and web. Malte Brun is a company working on the whole data value chain (collection, integration, valorisation and analysis): automated data search and collection, multi-source aggregation and historization, web scraping; data transformation, valorisation and integration in information systems; data analysis: explanatory and predictive techniques.

Here are the expected results of CECMC’s collaboration with BL SET:

  1. Production of digital humanities data in the social sciences on the history of Tianjin City and on the local dynamics and issues of heritage.
  2. Tools for the conservation, corrective and evolutionary maintenance, consultation and exploitation of these data.
  3. Production of scientific studies supported by statistics and maps on the basis of these data.